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Create Documentation Website with MkDocs

This guide will show you how to create a develop environment for a documentation website using MkDocs.


You want to create a documentation website with MkDocs for documenting projects, APIs, or any other content.


MkDocs generates websites from markdown files and can be accessed locally for rapid development and deployed to a web server (ex: GitHub Pages). It prevents the need to write HTML, CSS, and JS, and let developer focuses on only the documentation.


Step 1. Setup MkDocs

  1. Install Python and pip.
    1. In Windows, download Python from Python official website.
    2. In Linux, use corresponding package manager to install Python. Following is an example for Debian-based systems.
      sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
  2. (optional, recommended) Create and activate a virtual environment.
    1. In Windows, open Command Prompt, PowerShell, or PowerShell 7 and run the following command. You need to replace Python312 with your installed version, and cd into your project directory before execution.
      C:\Python312\python.exe -m venv venv
    2. In Linux, open Terminal and run the following command. You need to replace python3.12 with your installed version, and cd into your project directory before execution.
      python3.12 -m venv venv
      source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install MkDocs.
    pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material
  4. (optional) Install MkDocs plugins like mkdocs-nav-weight
    pip install mkdocs-nav-weight
  5. Initialize MkDocs project.
    mkdocs new .
  6. Serve website locally for development. You can access the website at with default settings in your browser.
    mkdocs serve
  7. After development, deploy your website to a web server.

After project initialized, you can edit mkdocs.yml for configuration, and edit markdown files in docs directory for content. Markdown files will be pages, directory with can hold subpages.

Step 2. Development Routine

  1. Serve website locally. You need to cd into your project directory before execution.
    mkdocs serve
  2. Edit markdown files in docs directory. MkDocs will automatically reload the website when files are modified.


  3. YouTube - James Willett - How to Create STUNNING Code Documentation With MkDocs Material Theme

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