FPGA Code Reports
Holds code for CYCUEE FPGA Application course. Go to source to see more.
Most of the code related to CPU structure are acquired from teaching materials of Prof. YU-PING LIAO.
Result Reports
Each homework has its result edited, summarized, converted into PDF format stored in my github repository.
HW1 Environment Installation
Setup Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition development environment.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w1hw.pdf
HW2 Implement Half Adder
Code a half adder module and perform simulation.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w3hw.pdf
HW3 Implement 4 bits calculator
Code functionality of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w4hw.pdf
HW4 Implement Controlled counter
Code a counter triggered by external button and switches with debouncer functionality. Also another version triggered with internal clock.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w5hw.pdf
Midterm Project
Code a 24-hour clock with a visual effect of laser destroyable numbers.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/mid.pdf
HW5 Implement data register
Code a CPU data register with the guide of course teaching prof..
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w9hw.pdf
HW6 Implement more CPU structure 1
Code following CPU structure with the guide of course teaching prof..
1. Read only memory.
2. Data direct system.
3. Write address control system.
4. Full data pipeline.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w10hw.pdf
HW7 Implement more CPU structure 2
Code stack, stack pointer, counter, controller execute instruction besides algorithmic instructions.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w11hw.pdf
HW8 Use CPU instructions to perform I/O actions
Code a frequency divider to observe affects of instructions. LEDs and 7-segment displays are used to display CPU output.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w12hw.pdf
HW9 Use signal tap logic analyzer
Use functionality of Signal Tap Logic Analyzer to analyze output of CPU with given instructions.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w13hw.pdf
HW10 Use State Machine to play music
Use state machine to play pre-set song automatically.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/w14hw.pdf
Final Project
Use different method to achieve the same result as midterm project.
Head to report: https://github.com/belongtothenight/FPGAA_Code/blob/main/report/final.pdf