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Welcome to belongtothenight docs

This is the homepage for all repository documentations. Switch to different pages at the top for individual documentations.

Development Experience


Android Kali Raspbian Ubuntu Windows


Neovim Obsidian Visual Studio Code ARM Keil


C C# C++ CMake CSS3 Dart GNUAWK GNUPlot HTML5 JavaScript LaTeX MAKE Markdown MATLAB Octave PowerShell Python Shell Script Verilog HDL

Source: | Simple Icons

About Me

  • 👋 Hi, I’m @belongtothenight, currently studying in CYCU Electrical Engineering Master Degree.
  • I have experience in drones, control systems, machine learning, big data, audio processing, analog circuit design, IoT, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing, FPGA, Computer Network, Chaos and Fractal, Quantum Computer, and more.
  • I’m currently learning/working on advance computer network (stream processing), IC layout, trusted platform module (TPM).
  • I've love to collaborate on: Anything!
  • Email:

Personal Repositories

No. Name / Link Description
1 ACN_Code Code for CYCUEE Advance computer network course.
2 adventofcode_s909 Personal used bash files.
3 autotools_init_setup C project autotools files.
4 bash_scripts Personal used bash files.
5 batch_scripts Personal used batch files.
6 BD_ML_Code Code for CYCUEE Big Data and Machine Learning course.
7 This website.
8 CF_Code Neumerical and Graphical demonstration of CYCUEE Chaos and Fractals course.
9 CN_Code Code for CYCUEE Computer Network course including encryption, DDoS, Ubuntu Server and more.
10 config-files Configuration files for my development environment.
11 CYCU-Grade-Exporter Web scraper to generate CYCU students grade related data.
12 Davinci-Resolve-Clip-Loader Davinci Resolve 17 automatic clip loader.
13 DIP_Code Code for CYCUEE Digital Image Processing course.
14 Drone_Motion_Control Simulating drone motion control with data generated from repo FRCNN_Related_Code.
15 File-Format-Converter Format converter function library. Converting between markdown, CSV, XML in bulk with GUI.
16 foo.bar_challange My personnal answers.
17 FPGAA_Code Code for CYCUEE FPGA Application course.
18 FRCNN_Related_Code Multiple different resources and codes helping improving FRCNN development speed.
19 fuzzy_ctl_code Code for CYCUEE Fuzzy control course.
20 IoTP_Code Code for CYCUEE Internet of Things Practice course. Including Node.js, JS, HTML, CSS, ML, OpenData, BlockChain, Webserver, MCU, Hosting, and Database.
21 IQC_Code Code for CYCUEE Quantum Computing course.
22 Local-File-Backup A less complex version of backup software. Able to automate backup, archiving, unpacking process.
23 Minecraft-Scripts Scripts used to make Minecraft content creation easier.
24 NTC_Code Code for CYCUEE Number Theory and Cryptography course. Created a working website demonstrating calculation process of AES.
25 PDF_similarity_tester Automatic batch PDF similarity tester.
26 powershell_scripts Automatic batch PDF similarity tester.
27 PRML_Code Code for CYCUEE Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning course.
28 RTDSP_Code Code for CYCUEE Real-Time Digital Signal Processing course.
29 SMRBS-ESP32 Smart Meeting Record and Broadcast System implementation.
30 video_processing Batch video processing scripted with FFMPEG.
31 video_similarity_tester Automatic batch video similarity tester.
32 WPD-on-phone App service to process app-sent videos and performs BPM extraction and HRV analysis on locally hosted and tunneled servers.
33 YouTube-Video-Statistic-Gathering Read YouTube link from markdown files on the designated local folder, and organize statistics returned from YouTube.

Organization Repositories

I am a member of CYCU AIoT System Lab. This is a list of repositories that I have contributed to.

No. Name / Link Description
1 Microcontroller-Experiment Detail documentation about HT32 Firmware Library examples and experiments.
2 Microcontroller-Experiment-Code Closed source.
3 MusicGenreRecognition Closed source.
4 Medical-Waste-Classifier Closed source.
5 TPM_Sharing_Scheme Closed source.

Academic Research

  1. [Conference] 2023 IEEE International Automatic Control Conference (CACS) - Automatic Visual Effect Adjustment System (IEEE Xplore/EngineeringVillage)
  2. [Conference] 2023 IEEE 5th Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) - Interactive System Based on Millimeter Wave And Wavelet Transform (IEEE Xplore/EngineeringVillage)
  3. [Journal] 2023 Sensors and Materials - Implementation of Interactive System with Milimeter Wave and Wavelet Transform (Sensors and Materials)
  4. [Conference] 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI) - Automatic Classification of Medical Waste (IEEE Xplore/EngineeringVillage)
  5. [Conference] 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI) - TPM Resource Sharing for Embedded System Network Security (IEEE Xplore/EngineeringVillage)

Possible Plans

  1. a website keeping record of newest technology and developing history. (tech frontier/advance tree?)
  2. host a database with content: minecraft pics, vids, mods, shaders, textures... language: MySQL, HTML?, JS?
  3. code a minecraft mod for filming, player path/environment logging.
  4. create more how-to websites.

Updated Time: 2024-08-06

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